Update on Alumni Today Magazine
Constance Shames, M.D.’63 Message from the Editor
This decade began with one of the most challenging medical issues this country has ever seen in more than one than a century. COVID-19 has taken over our resources, our lives, and our very existence. It has caused havoc on our finances, our own way of moving about, our relationships, and many other human activities.
Our Alumni Association confronted the issues by hosting Zoom meetings via computer and phone. Many important Board of Trustees and Board of Managers conferences were held this way so that we could continue to support our students and deal with many days to day activities. One of our main concerns was what to do about our annual Reunion, which we had scheduled for May 2020. It was obvious to us we had to cancel this very important event.
The Alumni Today magazine then became a subject to discuss. Since many articles are highlights of presentations at the annual Reunion Scientific Session and Awards Ceremony, as well as most of the pictures depicting the events of the reunion in the magazine, none of this would take place so we decided to postpone the Alumni Today Reunion Edition 2020 until 2021.
Despite the pandemic, the Alumni Association continues to keep to its mission. Many new members have joined us on the Board on Managers. Alumni continue to send in dues and donations. Student programs and scholarships will continue to be funded. We look forward to keeping in touch and advising our alumni about all upcoming events. Please use this opportunity to join us with dues and donations. Our work will continue. We wish you all a healthy and safe future.