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A Call for Mentors

Alumni Association

As many of you know the Alumni Association encourages involvement, investment, and initiative. One of the ways alumni can become involved is by becoming a mentor to first-year students!

The goal of the Faculty/Alumni Mentoring program sponsored by the Dean’s Office & Alumni Association – College of Medicine, is to help create a supportive friendly environment for first-year students and to enhance relationships among faculty and students.  The first-year students are matched with clinical faculty base on specialty interests. Faculty mentors can answer questions about what being a physician entails career advisement and provide students with exposure to patient and clinical practice.

  1.  Mentor and students meet about 2-3 times in a group setting for the academic year for a “how are things going” check-up

  2. One on one meeting with mentors will be offered to students who would like to take advantage of this, if possible.

  3. Various topics are discussed between students and mentor including career advisement, the faculty mentor’s specialty, residency requirements, and lifestyle.  Other topics include research projects, study tips, how to get through medical school, how to cope academically, etc.

  4. Mentors encourage students to contact them with any questions or concerns.  Mentors send an occasional e-mail between meetings to see how students are doing if possible.

If you would like to become a mentor please complete the form below:

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