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A Message From the Alumni Association President: Thank You Downstate

Alumni Association

This month Downstate celebrates its 160th Anniversary for its founding medical school class. Today we celebrate our Class of 2020 graduation. More importantly, Downstate’s resilience and dedication remain strong in light of current events creating a legacy of advancing medical knowledge and innovation.

The Downstate Alumni Association stands behind our current students. We wanted to give a sincere THANKS to the Class of 2020 for their dedication to the Brooklyn community during this pandemic turmoil. THANKS to the generous Alumni donors who called and expressed concerns for the current classes and open their hearts and pockets to give extra support during the pandemic. THANKS to an institution that provided the stepping-stone to our future.

The Alumni Association will continue to support the iPads project under the endowment of the Tak Kwan Family; the Alumni summer research scholarships were approved for $80,000 during this short summer session. We will continue to support all financial, social, and educational commitments on schedule for this 2020-2021 year.

New programs being rolled out this year include a diversity committee, a new user-friendly Alumni website to help bring information quicker to students/alumni, and an inaugural ambassador program that is currently seeking Alumni volunteers from Florida, Chicago, California, New Jersey, Georgia, and Maryland.

Be sure to RSVP for one of our upcoming Virtual Reunions.

“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X

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