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DHWS & LMSA Student Alumni Virtual Mixer Recap

Pictured from L to R Andrea Clarke-Moore, MD '03, COM student Marco Diaz-Cordova, David Sanchez, MD '96, COM student Lisa Scott

On August 27, 2020 alumni and current College of Medicine students belonging to the Daniel Hale Williams Society and the Latino Medical Students Association came together for a virtual mixer via Zoom. The virtual event, hosted by the Alumni Association's Diversity Committee, allowed alumni to reminisce while students were able to get a glimpse into their bright futures. However, more importantly, the event allowed students to voice concerns and enlighten the Alumni Association on the ways we can best support them.

COM students, Ariana Otto and Lynn Benson, President and Vice President of DHWS spoke of challenges that have arisen due to COVID-19. For example SUNY Downstate's Health Professions Recruitment & Exposure Program (HPREP), ran by DHWS is now forced to remain virtual losing its much needed hands on experience. In addition to the virtual limitations of HPREP, another issue students are facing is the need to interview for residency virtually.

Bertilia Tavarez, President of LMSA, allowed discussed challenges that her organization is currently facing. One of those challenges is getting the approval of a medical Spanish elective. Though the materials and student interest are present, there is currently no doctor available to teach the course.

Though challenges were discussed there was also talks of solutions and ways to assist students along their medical school journey. Dr. Andrea Clarke-Moore of the Class of 2003 urged alumni and students to really connect in hopes of providing the best support possible and in many ways this mixer was the beginning of that connection.


If you are a current resident and would like to assist with mock interviews or you know of a doctor who may be interested in teaching a medical Spanish elective please email the Alumni Association at

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