Call for STEM Talent: BioBAT Launches its Workforce Development Program for Students
BioBAT, the New York Science and Technology Center at the Brooklyn Army Terminal, is now a center for student science education and interactive learning.
This August, we launched our first series of educational events, a Youth Science Summer Camp to inspire kids through fun-filled exposure to science and engineering. The camp marks the start of BioBAT’s workforce development program.
The summer program was created through a partnership with BioBAT tenant IRX Therapeutics, local educators, and the New York Academy of Sciences. Almost six dozen camp attendees came to BioBAT via bus and ferry. Our camp offered a broad-based exposure to a range of scientific fields: -Monique Garraud of Matter Labs hosted hands-on chemistry and genetics projects. – Michael Danza from Kingsborough Community College gave students.
Other activities included a tennis clinic provided by theSouth Brooklyn Tennis Association, a visit to the NYPD Harbor Patrol, and tours of the lab at IRX Therapeutics.
The camp was an integral part of an intensive introduction to robotics and coding. – Local educator Allison Demas led an exploration of the physics of sound through music.
BioBAT’s mission of building a 21st Century working waterfront in Sunset Park. As Brooklyn’s life science and technology cluster grows, tenants at BioBAT will have an increasing need for a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-educated workforce.
This process begins with engaged and enthusiastic students who want to pursue educations and careers in science. By exposing students to STEM material and career opportunities, we will inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers that will fill New York’s growing science and technology industries.
To this end, we will be expanding our STEM educational programming to both older and younger students. High school students will have an opportunity to entertain possible options as they embark on their careers. Exposure for younger elementary school students will spark their interest and start them off on an exploration of STEM fields.
We are seeking other committed educators and scientists to help us develop more educational events in the coming months. If you would like more information or would like to participate in future programs, please contact us at, or visit us on the web at